Project ALIEN 6th consortium meeting, virtual, November 12-13, 2020

The 6th consortium meeting was originally planned to take place in Pakistan. However, due to Covid-19 the meeting took place virtually on November 12-13, 2020. Partners presented experiences from the implementation of the ALIEN problem solving learning intervention through the use of the physical labs and the digital learning platform in courses. The partners further presented the instructor training and community events that took place over the period May to November 2020 as well as dissemination activities. Subsequently, the partners discussed the exploitation plan for the project outcomes. The consortium agreed to sign memorandums of understanding towards future collaboration on problem-based learning among consortium partners. They further agreed to promote collaboration with professional associations, authorities, and external bodies as well as to strive for multiplier effects of project outcomes by disseminating to additional sectors such as secondary education.

Meeting agenda

Meeting minutes

Meeting evaluation