Webinar: PBL at ISRA University – from the old to the new normal

Learning in problem-based learning (PBL) context at Isra University – from the old normal to new normal

Thursday February 11, 15.00 Pakistan Standard Time, 12.00 EET

Join at: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a1ada02a47f8a46548b9809f7307396c6%40thread.tacv2/1612774334490?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%223180bf70-17cc-44f6-90a4-5c9476625295%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222fe3d6b2-6f3c-4a4e-8901-00030ad67f32%22%7d (no longer active)

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Problem-based learning practices at ISRA University remained part of practical lab exercises since a decade, however formal implementation of PBL in various subjects (theory and practical) of the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology is in place since August 2019. COVID-19 pandemic has shown tremendous effect across the world including academia. As per the guidelines of Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan, ISRA  University adopted the HEC online education policy during COVID-19 lockdown. Problem-based learning was in practice before pandemic (old normal) and remained in practice pandemic lockdowns (new normal). Use of learning management systems for on-line classes and problem-based learning were integrated to have on-line problem-based learning education. Apart from the use of some software tools and platforms overall PBL model remained same in old normal and new normal situations at ISRA University. The webinar will discuss how PBL practices were used in old normal and are currently being used in the new normal.

Dr. Mutee U Rahman is an Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science, ISRA University Hyderabad. His expertise include diverse fields including Computational Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, IT Management and Online Learning. He led a team of IT professionals to implement Moodle LMS, ERP System and Online Examinations at ISRA University. He served as head of IT Services department, chairperson department of Computer Science, and Turnitin Administrator positions. He was a key member of various committees to develop online learning and examination policies during COVID-19 pandemic. He is an active member of ALIEN-PBL implementation team at ISRA University.