ALIEN develops:
A strategic plan for the deployment of active learning and problem-based learning.
An analysis of the state of the art in European and partner countries on the deployment of problem-based learning in engineering higher education.
Problem-based learning physical laboratories in participating universities in Asia. A total of 12 labs have been developed. The labs are properly equipped, staffed, and supported. They act as a place where teachers can create and test their own problems, where they can connect to the ALIEN virtual community of teachers and researchers, and where practical sessions with students can take place.
An problem-based learning collaborative digital platform that supports the production, storage, sharing, and reuse of problems and challenges to be used in problem-based activities. The community will allow a multinational community of researchers, teachers, and practitioners to discuss share best practices on active learning.
Instructor training for promoting the adoption of problem-based learning.
Webinars that build knowledge and skills on problem-based learning concepts and practices.
A community of problem-based learning practice with SIG groups that focus on specific topics and more community events.