PBL in Computer Graphics course, KU

Course overview

The course covers the basic concepts, mathematical foundations, fundamental theory and algorithms, software techniques, hardware and system issues, and application examples of computer graphics. The main topics will focus on modelling, rendering, and interaction. Learning is delivered through lectures, and through practical hands-on activities that take place in computer labs but due to pandemic the lab and lectures were conducted in a virtual environment. The practical activities encourage students to apply their theoretical knowledge into real life problems.

Participants in piloting 

The course enrolled 59 students in the Sixth Semester of Bachelor of Computer Engineering. The course is a mandatory in the formal curriculum of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Kathmandu University. After completing the course, the students will get familiar with the basic technique used in the computer graphics and its application in the field of Animation

Use of ALIEN services and tools

The students have to solve the mathematical problems related to computer graphics during the tutorial classes. The course has a biweekly laboratory work that takes place in the laboratory but due to pandemic the course was organized in a virtual environment. The laboratory part of computer graphics is based on implementing the algorithms taught in lecture and using those algorithms for solving the real-life problems.

At the end of the course students are asked to submit the mini project based on the concept taught in course. The students have to select the problems and solve using the concept of computer Graphics. Some of the problems are:

  • Ambient light simulation in 3D Object
  • Visualization of the digits of PI
  • Client Server Architecture Simulation
  • Superellipse visualization
  • Mandelbrot set visualization
  • Visualization of A* Shortest Pathfinding Algorithm
  • Fibonacci Spiral (Golden Ratio) Visualisation

Students will be using the Active Learning Lab setup by ERASMUS+ project for solving the problems during the tutorial’s session in peer. The ALIEN platform was used for dissemination of problems to students.