Opening a course on active learning in Java programming teaching for HCL staff, 15/1/2021

HCL Technologies Group is one of India’s three largest IT companies and top 10 in the world. HCL has revenue of about 8.4 billion USD per year. In India, HCL Group has a history of over 40 years specializing in software production providing for 19 different service industries. Currently the group has 140,000 engineers working in 44 countries.

On January 15, 2021 the opening ceremony of the course on “Active learning in Java programming teaching” took place at Hanoi University. This course is commissioned by HCL Technologies Group. Attending the ceremony were Mr. Sanjay Gupta, Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of HCL Technologies Group and representatives of relevant departments and divisions of HCL Technologies. From Hanoi University, Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Van Trao, President of Hanoi University, heads of departments, teachers, and 20 students from the Faculty of Information Technology attended.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Rector of Hanoi University, Assoc. TS. Nguyen Van Trao revealed that training courses for HCL Vietnam’s future staff would be implemented at the problem-based learning lab funded by the ALIEN project. The application of project-based teaching methods will help learners develop the practical skills needed for work, including professional skills and soft skills.

Lecturers of the Faculty of Information Technology and HCL Technologies Group appreciated the teaching and learning facilities of the ALIEN problem-based learning lab. The teaching staff and about 20 students believed that applying the project-based learning model in the Java Programming training will help students significantly improve their competencies and skills such as critical thinking, creativity, problem solving strategies, team collaboration, resource management, ability to communicate, and entrepreneurship.

The course is scheduled to last for 3 months and will end in May 2021.



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